Armor pieces

There are 21 products.
Armor pieces

The armor is central piece of the warrior, mercenary or assassin outfit. This category hold all pieces that...



  • Pauldron

    Pauldron are pieces of armor whose protected the shoulder of the fighting man. It make the links between the bracers and the breastplate. They can be made of a sngle piece or articulated with smaller elements on the arms. Pauldron are gladiator's emblematic piece of armor.

  • Brestplate

    Our leather breastplate are made from one to six parts. They are adjustable on shoulders and sides, sometimes by a lace, mostly with buckles. This central piece of armoury, might be the only one of the outfit, is always made on size. So, you will need to note your mesurement when ordering.

  • Bracers
  • Tassets
  • Underbust
  • Warbelt

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